iOS updates

The new iOS updates don’t add to much visual features but it’s exciting to mess around with and try. These details will make you want to download it right away!


Nyla Fowler, Staff Writer

The new iOS updates don’t add to much visual features but it’s exciting to mess around with and try. These details will make you want to download it right away!

iOS 15 offers a lot of smaller features and upgrades, but they add up to make iPhones even better for everyday and specific use. The update was released on September 20th and introduced these features with some tutorials from YouTube directing you to know where to go and how these features work. The phones that support the iOS 15 update are the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus, iPhone SE, iPhone Touch, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 as well as the iPhone 7 Plus, and going all the way to the iPhone 13 Pro max. This update is all about the development of the iPhone and apples products, conferences about iOS 15 was on June 7th. Now into the features, the iOS update has made new Memoji and outfit options for the phone along with other creative things that are so fun to use over FaceTime or messages. This update allows you to create a FaceTime group with androids and iPhones, and with the new communication systems, specifically FaceTime, you can share your screen with friends and show everyone in the group what you’re doing or watching. There is also now a new default setting on the homepage when you get on your phone. Another new feature is the focus button, so when you are trying to get away from your phone or get back to work you can set a “Do not disturb” custom type setting and it shows your status so that other people do not text or disturb you.
New widgets were also added with iOS 15! Widgets are stored boxes that show what the weather is or what time it is; they will appear on your default home screen. The widgets will also appear when you swipe left to the last page, and there will be an edit button on the bottom of all the widgets. You can add different sizes and other apps for whatever you want quick access to. Facetime has added a meeting link so you can add who you want on the call making the “share screen” button appear on the top right hand corner and share videos or images. iOS 15 also has upgrades to Safari’s tab bar. It is now located on the bottom of the screen instead of on top, and you can now hold an image and press multiple at the same time going to your home screen and into your photos, releasing the images so they download directly to your photos.
New setting features are amazing as well, it has new button shape layouts and everything as well as how easy and accessible it will be. This iOS 15 update is highly recommended, and if you have not updated your iPhone and want to create and see all these features for yourself, iOS 15 is available for every iPhone user!