Second Day of Spirit Week
Colorado Day Sees More Student Participation
Coronado student, Sariah Stafford, 12, shows off her school spirit with a homemade T-shirt on Colorado Day.
September 15, 2015
As the second day of Homecoming’s Spirit Week begins, it is already obvious to the eye that school participation is much higher than the previous day. Monday’s theme was Backwards Day, and many students expressed that they felt silly or uncomfortable participating. Today’s theme, Colorado Day, is something that students can easily participate in, without feeling out of place.
“I think that it’s going a lot better than yesterday. I think it’s a lot more fun because there is more participation,” said Zachary Gerber, 12.
Students and teachers alike are sporting shirts boasting their state pride. Some students are simply wearing the Colorado flag on a t-shirt, while others are representing a Colorado school, sports team, or city. Even students who do not own Colorado gear have found a way to participate, by wearing the colors of the state flag; red, yellow, blue, and white.
Colorado Day was a wise choice for Spirit Week, as it was an easy way for Cougar’s to show off the pride they have in both their school and their state. Wednesday’s spirit day is Mismatch Day, where students are encouraged to wear clashing patterns and crazy outfits. Thursday, because it is the last school day of the week, is Mad Red and Gold Day, where students are expected to go all out in the school’s colors.