Mid-Season Fall Sports Capsules
Coronado Boys Golf fights to repeat last year’s 5A state championship title.
September 15, 2015
Boys Sports
Boys Golf
The reigning Colorado 5A Boys Golf State Champions start the season in full swing, racking up wins at the Spartan, Terror, Kadet and Lancer Invites. The team currently has a 65 stroke lead over the Colorado Springs Metro League’s second place team, Doherty, and a 340 stroke lead over Fountain Fort Carson. With the complete team from last year’s state title, Junior Luke Travins and seniors Wes Moran, Austin Burgess and Isaac Petersilie in addition to 2014 Colorado Boys Golf Coach of the Year, Marty Cornell, the Cougars seek to do it again. Come watch Coronado Boys Golf on Sept 16 against Doherty and Woodland Park at Kissing Camels.
Boys Cross Country
The 2015 Boys Varsity Cross Country team begins the season with significantly more upperclassmen than their female counterpart. Varsity runners include Andrew Burton, 10, Conor Striztch, 10 , Burke Babeu, 11, Clay Rahaman, 11, Daniel Roth, 11, Michel Swanson, 12, and Nic Vai, 12 . The Boys will be hosting the Cougar Classic at Monument Valley Park on Sept 24.
Coronado Varsity Football begins a new era in 2015, characterized by new head coach, Rob Wetta, a new quarterback Toby Smith, 10, and a very young team. Coronado’s key players include Ryan Strabala,12, Nico Portillo, 11, Marquis Arrington,12, and Smith. Coronado’s homecoming game is set for Sept 18 against Liberty.
Boys Soccer
Lead by seniors Eli Staufer, Angelo Salazar, Jacob Misczcak, Stanton Rubio, Thayer Shepherd, Chase McElhany, and Zack Gerber, Coronado Boys Varsity Soccer starts the season strong with a 9-0 win against Sand Creek. Stat leaders include Angelo Salazar with four goals, Joey Callan with two assists and junior David Ruder with five saves. The boys face off against Vista Ridge on Sept 15th at 6:00.
Boys Tennis
Boys Tennis will be headed in the 2015 season by returning letter winners Ashton Rogers, 10, James Boehlke, 11, Spencer Ferguson, 11, Mark Landolfi, 11, Jason Mackay, Luke Kellmann, 12, and Brayden Meister, 12. So far, Coronado Varsity Tennis is 4 and 1, losing only to rival Pine Creek on the ninth, who Coach Philipsen noted via email “… just edged [out] …” the boys last year as well. The boys’ next match is set for Sept 14 at Liberty at 3:45.
Girls Sports
Coronado 2015 Varsity Cheer will be at every football game, and will be involved in multiple tournaments. The cheer team is led by all six of the senior girls, Faith Shea, Courtney Martinez, Anisah Aragon, Rachel Ordille, Gabby Enlo and Brooke Moore. Coach Riggen cited “…moving to 5A last season…” as “…a huge hurdle for the girls…” but praised the cheerleaders’ hard work in overcoming the change.
After several rain delays and cancellations, Coronado softball starts the season strong in 2015 with a 2-1 record. The team boasts seven senior starters and a significant amount of experience, expected to drive the Lady Cougars into the playoffs. Coronado Girls home Softball games occur less than a mile from Coronado, at the Holmes Middle School Softball Field, the next one being on Sept 15th against Doherty.
The 2015 Girls Varsity Volleyball team is young with five sophomores, one junior, and three seniors. Lewis Palmer on Sept 22, Valor Christian on Sept 30, Rampart on Oct 22, Pine Creek on Oct 22 and Cheyenne Mountain on Oct 27 are the main games the girls are looking forward to playing this year. Varsity’s key players include Kaira Smith, 12, Madison Brown, 12, Allie Garcia, 12, and Mara Abernethy, 10.
Girls Cross Country
2015 Girls Cross Country team adheres to theme of youth in Coronado’s fall sports. The varsity includes three freshmen runners, Maddy Morland, Layla Roebke and Faith Roth and four sophomore runners: Chloe Cassens, Taylor Dutton, Lindsey Murray and Elana Muzzy. Among the season’s most important races for Boys and Girls Cross Country alike is the Cougar Classic, hosted by Coronado Cross Country at Monument Valley Park on Sept. 24th. The event includes six races and over 40 teams .