Prom is Coming!
Prom is on for Coronado’s seniors and juniors! So here is some information that you need to know in order to prepare for it!

April 16, 2021
Surprise Cougars, it has been recently announced that we are going to have Prom this coming May! This exciting event is currently still on track to happen, so Juniors and Seniors mark your calendar and get ready because it is coming up soon.
As of right now Prom will be held on May 8th from 8-11pm, at Flying W Ranch, 3330 Chuckwagon Rd. This venue will be perfect for having both an indoor and outdoor concept and will help follow Covid regulations. Prom tickets will be accessible on-line only, the link will be available soon, and tickets will be $40 per person. The requirements to be able to purchase a ticket and attend the event is students must fill out a Covid waiver or they will not be able to come. To the students who are planning to bring students that are not a part of Coronado, there are only a limited number of spots due to number concerns so be proactive in filling out the paperwork in order to be able to bring your friends. Also, it may be known, however prom is only for the juniors and seniors of Coronado, however if you are a freshman or sophomore who is invited by an upperclassmen, then you will be able to attend!
Regarding Prom Court, if you want to nominate a friend to be on the prom court, nominations will be open on Friday. There will be an email sent to your D11 email, so be on the lookout for that! This year’s prom may be a little altered and different from past years, but it is exciting to see that finally the seniors may be able to enjoy the last of their high school careers with a little bit of normalcy. So junior and seniors get ready because Prom is coming!