Mrs. Emily King

May 16, 2022
Mrs. Emily King is leaving at the end of this year after teaching at Coronado for the past 2 years, and working as a teacher for 13.
When we asked about who had the most influence on her, Don Taylor was the name that came up immediately: “When I first started this teaching position, it was during the time where we were all teaching virtually in our classrooms. It was really hard to want to come to work because I didn’t know anyone and I was trapped in an office space with no human interaction. Luckily, my room is right next door to Don Taylor. Don was the first friend I made in Colorado and he has this way to make everyone around him feel safe and secure. Don was always there supplying jokes, and how to survive Coronado High School. He has made the work environment so enjoyable and was always available to listen to me vent when I needed it the most.”
She then talked about her favorites at Coronado: “Everything. I wish more students and faculty could understand how fortunate they are to be at Coronado. After working at 5 different schools, Coronado is special. I have loved every ounce of being here and if the Navy didn’t make us move, I would have easily retired here after teaching 30+ years. I have loved getting to know the staff that is here and I wish I had more time with them.”
The classes she taught at Coronado were Culinary Arts 1/2, Catering 1/2, and Student Council. But she really enjoyed all of her classes saying, “Most of the students are really nice, caring people, and I’m glad I got to know all of them.”
She then talked about her best memory from teaching at Coronado. Although she had many memories, some stood out: Homecoming Week with Student Council, Chopped Challenges with Catering, and watching all the students she knew at their athletic events.
Finally, we asked her if she’s learned anything that would be worth passing on. She quickly responded with “Life is too short to be unhappy. Embrace the chaos and find ways to take a negative situation and make it a learning moment.” She found a great way to show this during class, since it’s going to get messy, and not everyone is going to know how to cook and make things. She still stayed patient and happy while showing those students the correct ways to make the foods.
After the end of the year, Mrs. King will be moving to Destin, Florida and finding a new career. She’s going to take a break from education and figure out what else she can do to make an impact, perhaps volunteering for the EOD Warrior Foundation as well as Special Olympics.
As someone who’s had Mrs. King both of the years she has been here, I’ve had nothing short of an amazing experience. She has been one of the most caring, fun teachers I’ve had. It’s basically like having another student as a teacher. She knows practically everything about food, and how to make it. There hasn’t been a single thing I’ve made in that class that hasn’t been amazing from things as simple as pretzel bites to some of the best spaghetti I’ve had.
Speaking personally, and for many others, we’re all going to miss you Mrs. King. Thank you for making Coronado an enjoyable place to come each week!