Mr. Taylor

Logan Craig

Mr. Taylor, one of our social studies teachers at Coronado, is leaving at the end of the year after teaching here for the past 18 years and working as a teacher for the past 19.
The person that had the most influence on Mr. Taylor would be his wife, Kristy, a “counselor extraordinaire. “His favorite class to teach is Economics. Some of the other classes he has taught are US History, World History, Geography, and Sociology.
Coronado has changed throughout his time here. Students didn’t have Bluetooth earbuds or smart phones, and there were more school requirements in previous years. Students were required to be at school and wouldn’t be able to make up homework with unexcused absences. Students have also changed in the way they act and dress at school.
Mr. Taylor cherishes the years he was able to work with his wife every day and developing deeper relationships with his students. Mr. Taylor is the kindest and most laid-back teacher you will ever meet. He always asks students how they’re doing, and he tries to make their day better.
One of the pieces of advice Mr. Taylor passes on to students in life is “Fake it ’till you make it, if you put a smile on your face and a song in your heart even when you’re not feeling it, pretty soon happiness will abound.”
Mr. Taylor’s retirement plans are to go hunting, fishing, and to spend time with his best friend, his wife. We wish him his best with all his coming adventures.