Mister, Doctor, Major Kerry Hill

May 19, 2022
Mr./Dr./Major Kerry G. Hill, as he likes to call himself, has been a climacteric member of the Coronado Social Studies department for eight years and has taught for a total of 28 years. He has decided to retire at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
Over the years, education and teaching has changed drastically. Smartphones, portable laptops, and COVID are all things that helped bring about new styles of learning and instruction. However, Dr. Hill believes that the biggest change over his career is that “Education has become more student centered over time.” What that means is that students have become more self-sufficient and have begun to act as leaders to themselves and others; the education system has also allowed students to make bigger decisions that will influence their lives, for the rest of their lives.
Doing anything for almost thirty years guarantees that some special memory will stand out above the rest; Doctor Hill has expressed that two of his favorite memories were his 2019 Veteran’s Day speech given to the school and the entirety of his Honors U.S. History class. He also said that what he will miss most is “Working with a great many fine people.”
Everyone gets influenced by their surroundings, whether it be the culture or individuals; Dr. Hill says that the most influential person in his Coronado teaching career is Rick Perez. Rick Perez is a Special Education teacher here at Coronado. Dr. Hill and Mr. Perez had both served in the United States Armed Forces, and their experience in the service certainly helped provide a common interest between the two men.
“Most students are great people—or great people in the making.” This was what Dr. Hill wants future students and staff to remember after he leaves. Some people may be brighter or more driven than others, and some people may just be bad people, but everyone has the opportunity both to achieve greatness and to be the best person that they can.
After the end of this year, Dr. Hill has decided that he will spend his time with “Some part-time teaching, along with writing and researching.” We wish Dr. Hill the best as he starts a new chapter in his life.