Coronado Wrestling

Alexandra Micci, Staff Writer

Throughout the years, Coronado’s wrestling has had its ups and downs, but this year’s wrestlers have a good chance of putting Coronado on top once again. Matt Brickle, head coach of Coronado Wrestling, states, “We are way ahead of where things were last year. Things seem to be getting back to normal.” The past two years had been heavily affected by Covid, but 2022 has “The team…working hard and that is a good thing.”

Coach Brickle is certain this season is going to be successful: “You are successful win or lose [as long] [as] you get up and try to compete” To be successful, you must be determined. Not having a goal won’t get you anywhere, in sports, school, and even life. Coach Brickle elaborates that “You must put in the time to be truly successful, it’s a sport that teaches you many life lessons” Success can take you anywhere.

As a team the goal is to compete well at Regionals, but individually, the goal should be to qualify for State. Coach Brickle says, “To place, you must have confidence, a positive mindset, skill, and a great work ethic” Confidence is key, if you can’t believe in yourself, no one can.

Wrestling is one of the hardest sports out there, and making weight is part of it. Losing weight or gaining weight, every part of it is difficult. Even through the ups and downs as a team, a good mindset, confidence in not only your team, but yourself, and dedication is really all an athlete needs to be successful.