Varsity Softball End of Season Game

2015-2016 Varsity Softball
October 15, 2015
Varsity Softball ends the season on Oct 8 with an amazing win of 11-5 against Doherty.
Julie Callan, 9, played a great game with 4 runs along with Kelly Weil, 12, Megan Urban, 12, and Reina Gonzales, 12, who all got 2 runs and Grace Leahey who got a run.
The team also had a great defense with Jill Dragosh, 12, who had 2 assists and Riley Afshari, 12, with an assist. Destina Rodriguez, 12, caught a great hit, getting another out. Kelly Weil had 13 put outs and Julie Callan had 4 put outs.
Thanks to Coach Mike Simon and the supporting coaches Gonzales, Grivich and Padilla along with the fans and of course the team, this was a successful year for Coronado’s Varsity Softball.