Ms. Gerlach: A Family of Teachers
November 18, 2015
Ms. Gerlach is an English teacher here at Coronado who teaches all grades from freshmen to seniors. First, Newspaper was curious about what led her to teaching. Who isn’t curious about a teachers’ inspiration to become a teacher in the first place? She replied to the question with “Family teaching. I came from a family of teachers from my mother to my aunts and so on. Teaching was inherited through generations.”
Next, Ms. Gerlach, was asked what the most rewarding thing about teaching for her was and she said something one doesn’t really hear from teachers very often. “Seeing the light in student’s eyes when they understand something or became inspired by something I taught them.”
She was then asked about her most memorable student or event and she said it was when she inspired a student. “A student years ago was going through a tough time at home and left the school but years later I ran into him at the mall and my teaching had influenced him to become a teacher himself.”
She was asked what her students have taught her throughout her years of experience with teaching, she replied with “Humility and to never take myself too seriously and to approach things with as much humor as I can.”
All teachers have something that they want to tell their students and coming from a family of teachers, she was asked what the most valuable advice she could can offer to her students was. “Find the thing that makes you happy and pursue that.”
From this interview the newspaper was able to learn more about Ms. Gerlach and her life and love of teaching throughout generations.