Poetry Slam

January 29, 2016
On January 21st, high school students from all over the district were allowed to participate in a poetry slam event. Forty four students from Coronado High school attended the event with feature poet Jared Paul, Individual World Slam Poetry finalist from 2006 and 2007.
The day started with Mr.Hartman explaining about how the day was planned Each group, made of students from different D11 schools, so students get the chance to make new friends for three brainstorming sessions. For around three hours students went to two of the three brainstorm sessions. Each session was geared to help the students perfect a poem they wrote at the beginning of the convention to get their poem performance ready with English teachers from each school and poets helping students with their ideas and giving them advice on how to make their poem be more fluent and to really influence the listeners.
After the third brainstorming session, where students had to finish getting their poem’s performance ready, all the students were brought back together within the auditorium where students were picked by their last sessions’ teacher on who should represent that group and the student picked then went in front of everyone and performed their poem, Coronado students Lakief Traynor 12 and Nikki Partlow-Loyall performing theirs. With all students who performed getting thunderous applause, the day ended with Mr. Hartman stating that he would keenly advise that students and English teachers to think about starting poetry slam clubs or competition groups. With $1200 roughly spent on the event, including food, feature poets, and buses, the day ended up to be a great way to connect the different schools together and to showcase a student’s writing ability.