Finals Week

May 13, 2016
Get ready for those late nights and coffee breaks because the school year has almost reached the time for 2nd semester finals! Testing will start on Tuesday, the 24th and go until Thursday the 26th.
The schedule for the week will be:
Day: Tues 24
Period 1 FINAL: 7:45 – 9:00
Period 2: 9:10 – 9:58
Period 3: 10:03 – 10:51
Period 4: 10:56 – 11:44
Period 5A 11: 49 – 12: 35
Period 5B 12:24 – 1:10
Period 6 1:15 – 2:03
Period 7 2:08 – 2:59
Day: Wed 25
Period 2 FINAL: 7:45 – 9:00
Period 3 FINAL: 9:10 – 10:25
Period 4 FINAL: 10:35 – 11:50
Day: Thurs 26
Period 5 FINAL: 7:45 – 9:00
Period 6 FINAL: 9:10 – 10:25
Period 7 FINAL: 10:35 – 11:50
Monday will have a regular schedule, and there will be buses after school.
Understandably so, there isn’t much excitement about finals. However, there are only 3 days of testing, and after the last test, the year is completely over!
*There will be no school Tuesday the 17th