Who’s in the House? Cougar Parents, That’s Who

Melissa Baumgartner, Staff Writer

Coronado High School’s Open House will kick off at 8:00 P.M. on 9/8 in the Coronado auditorium. The objective of Coronado’s Open House is to showcase the talented staff that teach at Coronado and to inform everyone in attendance of what Coronado is all about.
Open House will offer an inside look at all Coronado has to offer its students, as well as the resources that are available to parents and pupils; the event will also include a mock schedule and a brief speech from Coronado’s principal, Darin Smith.
Open House Mock Schedule Timeline:

PERIOD 1 6:53—7:01

PERIOD 2 7:06—7:14

PERIOD 3 7:19—7:27

PERIOD 4 7:32—7:40

PERIOD 5 7:45—7:53

PERIOD 6 7:58—8:06

PERIOD 7 8:11—8:19