Coronado’s Arts Program Proves Itself in California

April 18, 2017
Coronado’s Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band 1, and Chamber Orchestra students all traveled to sunny, breezy Anaheim, California over Spring Break. During this time, they performed in the Worldstrides Heritage Music Festival held at Fullerton College. After their performance, the three groups received First Place Gold ratings in their categories. Afterwards, six talented musicians from these classes got Outstanding Soloist awards, which went to the following:
Kyle Schneider – Saxophone
Luke Safayan – Saxophone
Spencer Shipp – Trombone
Emma Olson – Violin
Seneca Montez de Oca – Viola
Ian Garner – Guitar
These awards were given for the meeting of many criteria, which displays just how talented Coronado’s musicians are at their craft.
Molly Berge,10, was one of the students who went to Anaheim. Before their trip, she was overly excited to spend time at the “Most Magical Place on Earth, saying “Honestly, my favorite part about the whole trip is getting to go to Disneyland. I really can’t wait any longer! We’re going to play in a festival, and play pieces from some well-known Disney movies, and we’ve been practicing really hard for a long time. Everyone has been waiting for the trip, not only for the theme park, but also for the satisfaction of getting to play the pieces we’ve been working on.” During the trip, she practiced sight-reading to ensure her performance was at it’s peak.
Way to go, Cougars! We hope that all Coronado’s musically talented students join the band and orchestra classes offered and can enjoy such an incredible experience!