Weekly Announcements

Mohss Elaine, Staff Writer

The AP Testing window begins May 1 – May 12.  Registered students will be receiving confirmation of their exams, location, times and dates of tests next week.  See Mrs. Schulzki if you have any questions.

​​​​​​​​​​​​AP Exam Dates and Times:

Please note that MOST exams will be conducted at the First Evangelical Free Church, 820 N. 30th St.  Other exams not located at the church are indicated by location on the Coronado Campus, below.  On exam day, please note the exam room/ location.  Please enter the church next to the parking lot. Most exams last 3 to 3 1/2 hours. Students and parents are responsible for drop off and pick up. Morning exams students are excused Periods 1 – 5.  Afternoon exams, students are excused Periods 4 – 7.  Exams times and days can not be changed and exams can not be made up.

Emergencies and or if you would like to register for an exam not listed, have questions about financial assistance, accommodations,  or any other questions,  Please call Mrs. Schulzki at 328-3631, email:  ann.schulzki@d11.org and contact your teacher as soon as possible.