Sock It To ‘Em Sock Campaign: Aiding Victims of Hurricane Harvey
Coronado teacher Ms. Haffley leads school-wide sock drive to benefit victims of Hurricane Harvey
An aerial view of a neighborhood in Houston flooded by Hurricane Harvey (NOAA). Do your part to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey by donating socks to Coronado.
September 20, 2017
Although Hurricane Harvey has ended its reign of terror in Texas, the disaster is far from over; the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is yet to be dealt with. Supplies are still badly in need, and the property damaged will take years to be restored or replaced, if they ever do.
Coronado is helping out with the effort to rebuild Texas after the disaster through Ms. Haffley’s Sock It To ‘Em Sock Campaign. The donation drive will begin on Wednesday, 9/6, and continue through 9/29, the last Friday of September. A box will placed outside by Ms. Haffley’s door at room 254 in the new wing. Socks of all sizes are welcomed, but black socks are discouraged because the fabric’s dye bleeds onto the skin when wet.
The Sock It To ‘Em sock Campaign is a small way for you as a student at Coronado to help out the massive effort to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Anything is appreciated, and your help will not go without notice or appreciation.