The Key to Leadership

September 22, 2017
Looking for some new clubs to get involved in and make your year a blast? Check out Key Club! And no, despite the name, the club has nothing to do with actual, physical keys. It’s called Key Club because they believe that the “key to leadership is community service.” This club is a great way to get involved with the community, build character, and meet new and different people in Coronado and throughout the region. So, what exactly do they do? At the heart of Key Club is celebrating your successes (in all fields), getting involved, and doing good things. For example, for the past three years, Coronado High School has had a partnership with the Ronald McDonald House. Coronado’s members and members from around the region will clean rooms, make goodie bags, and decorate the house for the holidays.
Not only that, but twice a year you get to go to a big leadership event overnight. One in October in Bailey and one in the Spring in Denver. You get to meet with the other Key Clubs of the whole region, do a big community service project together, and go to a dance and eat delicious food! There’s also the fact that if you’re in NHS or AVID and you’re looking for community service hours, Key Club is a great way to get hours in for both the club and NHS or AVID. That’s not all though! ‘We love root beer floats!’ says Mrs. Johnson, head of Key Club. That’s right, there’s food.
Key Club meets every Wednesday after school from 3-3:30 and during both lunches in room 217 every Thursday. The cost to join is 25$ to pay for your t-shirt, dues to the organization, and help fund the club. Email Mrs. Johnson at [email protected] if you want any more information.
Remember, the door to Key Club is unlocked, so come on in. They’re always looking for new members!