Let’s Get Artsy

November 8, 2017
Want to add a splash of creativity to your day? Art club is a great way to do that! Hosted by Ms. Foos and Mr. Magnuson, art club provides a great way to test out new things, meet different people, and just get in some extra studio time. The club has been around on and off for the last ten years and has provided busy students the time to get their creative juices flowing.
It was first thought that the college-bound AP students would take the extra studio space to work on their portfolios but others have taken advantage of the club as well. “A lot of students don’t have time in their schedules for an art class because of band, choir, and all that, so lots of kids come by to do new things,” said Ms. Foos.
That’s not all art club is for, though. They’ve done plenty of outside activities as well. Participating in the ‘Chalk it up Challenge,’ going to first Friday gallery walks, and painting faces at Buena Vista Elementary school are a couple of examples.
All are welcome, even if you’re not the best artist out there, the only requirement is an interest in art. The club meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:10-4:30 in rooms 414/415, so stop by and check it out!