Drive Smart for Drive Smart Week!
Student Counsel Aims to Reduce Irresponsible Driving with One-Week Campaign

November 13, 2017
This week Drive Smart Week, thrown by our student council to bring awareness to irresponsible driving habits that claim the lives of over 37,000 people in the United States, many of whom are teenagers.
On Tuesday students can expect to see a “grim reaper,” who will be going around hanging signs on students who drove irresponsibly and “died” as a result, and a mock crash will be presented by the Colorado Springs Fire Department. Student volunteers in special effects makeup will be participating in the mock car crash as victims.
On Wednesday, students who fill out their pledge sheets that were distributed during their 5th-period class can turn them into the courtyard for prizes and food during both lunches. KILO will also be there playing music for the students.
Thursday will be a double assembly with speakers Bob Penkhus, the Colorado Springs-based car salesman, and Shelby Canenola, who will be speaking on the matter of responsible driving practices.
Ms. Chappelear, Earth Science teacher, and supervisor of student council says that the student council will be conducting “seatbelt checks when students and their parents come in in the morning both before and after Drive smart week” and hope to see an increase as seen in previous years. Ms. Chappelear says that student council’s goal in having Drive Smart week is to “bring awareness to the habits that people have that tend to lead to reckless driving or accidents” because “there are other people who could be killed by your actions,” and that Coronado students can be safe and drive smart.