Mock Trial Rolling out Roles

Attorneys Abby Bean,12, Noah Durrance, 10, and Sierra Meisner,10 being sworn in by the judge in last year’s regional championships.

Roman Sorrels, Staff Writer

The season of Cases, Courts and Objections has started. The 2017 Coronado Mock Trial has recently concluded their 5th meeting and, after weeks of preparation and waiting, the official Colorado High School Case has been released. This year’s competition will be over Bailey Forsythe, alleged murderer of their spouse, Corey Forsythe. All of our attorneys will be given the role of questioning the witnesses and attempting to prove or disprove the defendant’s innocence. Witness roles are in charge of memorizing their character and performing on the stand. This year, we have three new members joining Varsity who will be helping our team through regionals and, with luck, state.


Witness Roles are as Follows:



Dr. Val Williams (Expert Witness)- Keir Teeter 12

Pat Nunn- Roman Sorrels 11

Jordan Garcia- Michael Slimbarski 11



Bailey Forsythe- Ivey Wohl 11

Taylor Walken- Titus Sharman 11

Dr. Morgan Lloyd (Expert Witness)- Noah Durrance 11


Attorney Roles are as Follows:



Attorney- Sierra Miesner 11

Attorney- Gabigail  Stenholm 12

Attorney- Arielle  Bakken 11



Attorney- Izzy Wilson 11

Attorney- Alena  Wroe 12

Attorney- Kuailani  Yanish 11


And Our First Official Timekeeper:


Connor McCarrie 11\

Good luck to all the attorneys and witnesses competing in this years Mock Trial Competition