Never Have I Ever Watched Star Wars
How My Friend Has Never Seen Star Wars

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December 14, 2017
Nearly everyone has watched the iconic Star Wars film franchise. Well, everyone except Paige Nelson, a Coronado sophomore who has never watched any of the movies. She could not tell you the difference between R2D2 and C3PO. However, that all changed the night of 12/8, when I, her friend, mandated her watch “A New Hope”, the first of the Star Wars movies to be produced.
As to be expected, the beginning of the film resulted in a tremendous amount of confusion for Paige. The exposition was marked by incredulous laughter from her. It seemed so foreign that it was hilarious.
“To be honest, I thought Luke Skywalker would be much cuter, and Darth Vader would be much scarier,” said Paige.
Despite Paige not understanding much of the Star Wars diction or hype pertaining to the movie, Paige was encapsulated by the wonder of the characters and the humorous interactions between them.
“I loved Han Solo, and the way he interacted with Luke was just comical. I especially loved the scene where they are stuck in the garbage incinerator in the empire’s spacecraft,” added Paige.
Towards the end, Paige was fully invested in the movie, saying, “I was actually hanging on to the edge of my seat when Luke exploded the Death Star. I actually cared about the rebels fighting against the empire.”
Overall, while Paige could not necessarily understand the greater context behind the movie, she could understand Star Wars what initially captured audiences nationwide when it premiered in 1977, which is its award-winning humor, character-development, and its noble fight against the empire.