Announced: The Cast of Coronado Theater’s 12 Angry Jurors

Coronado’s spring production is 12 Angry Jurors, based on the classic, 12 Angry Men.
January 28, 2018
The curtain has finally been raised on the cast of Coronado Theatre Department’s spring production. 12 Angry Jurors, based Sidney Lumet’s 12 Angry Men, features perennial Coronado acting stars such as seniors Deanna Cooper and Hannah Widger, in addition to new faces such as Ethan Ocken, 10, Keatyn Hobson, 10, and Ellie Meyers, 10.
The play follows the deliberations of 12 jurors on a murder trial, but the day goes awry when the jurors fail reach the unanimous decision necessary for a verdict, delving into a powerful examination of just what it means to live in a democracy.
The production’s cast and their characters:
- Keir Teeter, 12-Foreman: A small petty man, who is impressed with the authority he has and handles himself quite formally. He’s not overly bright, but dogged.
- Lindsey Stancato, 12-2nd Juror: A meek, hesitant man who finds it difficult to speak his own thoughts for fear for being shouted down by the more powerful personalities in the room.
- Deanna Cooper, 12-3rd Juror: A very strong, very forceful, extremely opinionated woman, within whom can be detected a streak of sadism…she is a humorless woman who is intolerant of opinions other than her own, and is accustomed to forcing her wishes and views upon others.
- Ellie Meyers, 10-4th Juror: A woman of wealth and position and a practiced speaker who presents herself well at all times. Her only concern is with the facts of the case and is often the voice of reason and logic when fights break out amongst the others.
- Keatyn Hobson, 10-5th Juror: A younger woman from the slums who identifies with the young man on trial more than she would like to admit.
- Angelina Larson, 12-6th Juror: An honest woman who comes upon her decisions slowly and carefully. A blue-collar worker who states her opinions honestly and bluntly.
- Dylan Carter, 11-7th Juror: A loud, flashy, glad-handed salesman who has more important things to do than to sit in a jury. Quick to show temper and equally quick to form opinions on things about which he knows nothing.
- Ethan Ocken, 10-8th Juror: A quiet, thoughtful gentleman. A man who sees all sides of every question and constantly seeks the truth. He is a man of strength tempered with compassion. Above all, he is a man who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is.
- Hannah Widger, 12-9th Juror: An old woman. Gentle, mild, and long since defeated by life. She recognized herself for what she is and tries to be the voice of experience and wisdom in the room.
- Olivia Gillum, 10-10th Juror:An angry, bitter woman who antagonizes almost at sight. She is also a bigot who places no value on any human life save her own. Here is a woman who has been nowhere and is going nowhere, and knows it deep within herself.
- Elena Dunz, 11-11th Juror: A refugee from Europe who came to this country as a young adult. She speaks with an accent and is ashamed, humble, and almost subservient to the people around her. She will honestly seek justice, because she has suffered through so much injustice.
- Derek Hernandez, 11-12th Juror: A slick, bright advertising man who tries to do the right thing, but is used to being overwhelmed by people with louder, brighter ideas.
- Meghan Lawson, 9-Guard: A policewoman.
Congrats to the Cougars casted; be sure to catch Coronado theater in action in this spring’s production of 12 Angry Jurors!