The New Organism To The Petri Dish: Welcome Mr. Perkins!
Mr. Perkins is one of three new science teachers. He teaches chemistry and biology. If you’re lucky, you’ll get one of his classes!
Mr. Perkins is one of three new science teachers this year! He teaches chem and bio. If you are lucky, you might end up in his class!
September 7, 2018
Mr. Perkins, a former teacher from Boston, Massachusetts, has become part of the Coronado staff for the 2018-2019 school year. Mr. Perkins is currently a Chemistry and Biology teacher for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors. His quick wit and kind personality show his devotion to the scientific craft.
“I taught at a small charter school in Boston called City On a Hill. We came here because my wife works for the Air Force, and she recently accepted a job at the Peterson Air Force base. I’ve had a lot of jobs in my life, and I always think back to times in those jobs where I’ve had to train or mentor other people, and I’ve always really enjoyed that.”
“When I first went to college, teaching was what I originally wanted to do, but I got away from that for a little while. So, a few years ago, I decided to go back, get my masters, and just go for it.”
Striving for academic growth and the expansion of knowledge for a younger generation, Mr. Perkins hopes to show his students that there is always room for growth, and that ‘good enough’ is never good enough.
“Consistency, making connections to other courses, and showing that everything in the world is connected is very important. Nothing stands alone, and if you can figure out a problem in one sort of area, you can more than likely figure out another problem somewhere else.”
Mr. Perkins continually reaches for higher level work form his students. Perkins wants to see their growth with experimentation, observation, and discerning biases against learning, and the general idea of ‘science class’. He hopes to make science an enthralling way to learn about the world, and the properties the universe possesses.
“My students really know how to work hard, and if you always try your best, I will see to it that you are rewarded for that. But you don’t say it, because if you do, people will start to slack.”
With the new school year only just beginning, Mr. Perkins has already set a precedent for his students to love what they’re learning, and to be persistent with the level of work and effort put into his class.
“I’ve really enjoyed working at Coronado so far. They’ve got a really good thing going on here: the staff is very nice, the kids are nice, and the view is great. I’m looking forward to the rest of the year.”
As the school year progresses, Mr. Perkins hopes to become an even bigger part of the Coronado community, and we hope to see the scientific community, like bacteria, grow exponentially. Welcome to Coronado, Mr. Perkins!