Winter Sports
Keep up with seasoned basketball players like Marisol Estrada in March Madness by utilizing the strategies below!
November 1, 2018
Like the mighty phoenix, fall sports are coming to an end, but from their ashes rises the winter sports: basketball, wrestling, hockey and girls swim.
Tryouts for for fall sports will be on November 12th, but there are a couple of things they need you to do before then. All athletes must complete their Arbiter Athlete Sign Up before November 9th. The next before school sign up day will be Wednesday Nov 7th and after school Thursday Nov 1st.
Athletes must also have a current physical done before the 9th as well. You can electronically submit your physical through along with any other medical information and waivers.
Please note that if you do make a sports team you must pay your athletics fee in the Athletic Business office and weekly grade checks will be done so be sure to keep your grades up.
Good luck to all athletes who are trying out, and I hope each sport has a great winter season.