Orchestra and the Mix

Coronado students played in the Colorado All State Orchestra

Gracie Nowlan, Staff Writer

Coronado’s All State-Orchestra students were absent a couple of Friday’s ago as they spent 12 hours that day rehearsing for their performance on Saturday night. Sophie Urban (10) explained that Colorado’s All State Orchestra “basically [was] two different orchestras and [she] was in one that played in American in Paris, which was really fun.” After auditioning for the orchestra, Sophie Urban, was accepted for this honor, and her hard work paid off, but it does not stop here. Urban and four other students from Coronado were accepted after auditioning, and after registering on Thursday for the performance, they got straight to rehearsing.


This was Sophie’s first year because it is required to be a Sophomore in order to do it, and she said that the whole experience “was kind [of] stressful [because] a lot of people did not practice before [the group] went up to [Fort Collins] and [they] were playing some really hard music, but it was really fun. [Sophie] got to play all the solos, and [she] really got to know the people from Coronado more.” Overall, the students from Coronado had a great time and learned a lot about music and perseverance from the whole experience.