Upgrowth in Orchestra!

Coronado’s orchestra classes are one of the best parts of our wonderful high school! If you’re dedicated and hardworking, this is the place for you!

Mohss Elaine, Staff Writer

During the 2018-2019 school year, Coronado High School continued to show the many talents and accomplishments of our growing community, from sports to academics, and everywhere in between!


There’s one area of Coronado that simply paves the way for student accomplishment, and that’s the music department. Spanning from choir to band to orchestra, the music department harbors some of the greatest opportunities for life that Coronado has to offer! Orchestra specifically is one of the greatest activities Coronado offers, and is open every year to everyone who’s willing to put in the effort.  


Mr. Jacobson, Coronado’s orchestra teacher, is currently excited for what orchestra has to being to the table, especially with the end of the year coming (all too) fast.

“It’s been an awesome year! But the best is yet to come. The Chamber Orchestra played at Carnegie Hall with the Wind Ensemble. Later in April the Symphonic Orchestra will perform with the Symphonic Band at Six Flags in Dallas. Then, there are two more concerts…the Spring Pops concert and the graduation concert! This year, Holmes will join us in our Spring Pops concert.”


As the orchestra teacher, Mr. Jacobson takes responsibility over helping the orchestra students grow and develop their musical skills, giving them the ability to reach their greatest heights yet!

“Our orchestra students are way ahead of where they started the year. Every program begins at a point and every program has improved through challenging music and consistent practicing during the school year. It’a a well documented fact that performing music enhances brain  function and stimulates the connection between the hemispheres of the brain. It really is true that music makes you better at everything in school. Plus, it’s just great fun to have a class during the day where you do something you love with your friends and get a grade for it!”


He hopes to see more people come into orchestra, as he feels the class can reach across the school to so many more people, where he spreads this message to those who are ready to branch out: “Let’s talk! We’ll see where you fit and get you plugged in!”


The music department gives so many students opportunities that they simply can’t get in other areas, and offers a truly unique experience for those who can put in the effort and dedication to improving their musical skills.


In the words of Mr. Jacobson: “You’ll never regret it.”