ACT and SAT Test Announcement

January 27, 2020
ACT test date – Registration – Scores Available
Feb 8 2020 – Jan 10 Feb 18
April 4 2020 – Feb 28 Apr 14
June 13 2020 – May 8 June 23
July 18 2020 – June 19 July 28
SAT Test Date – Registration – Scores Available
March 14 2020 – Feb 14 – Mar 27
May 2 2020 – Apr 3 – May 15
June 6 2020 – May 8 – July 15
SATs and ACTs are useful for more than just getting into a good college now, they are now a graduation requirement for the junior class and under. The SAT being mainly math, reading and writing focused; while the ACT is math, reading, writing and science focused. The SAT challenges more problem solving while the ACT covers more topics.
Some advice from counselors Mr.Wermers and Ms.Doyle is to be familiar with the test. This is why we have the PSATs to raise the chance of your getting a better score. This is also so you don’t have to pay to have another go at the SAT as it costs $60 with the essay and $50 without. The ACT being $62.50 with the writing $46.00 without; an additional $29.50 if you register late. Getting acquainted with the schedule is to say to be mighty useful; much like getting good sleep and coming in on a full stomach (having a good source of protein.) More info can be found on the counseling website for the SAT and for the ACT go to
As for ACT testing dates If you signed up on Jan 10 then you will be testing on February 8th and your scores come in on the 18th of the same month. For the testing date of April 4th, the deadline to register is Feb. 28th with the scores coming on the 14th of April. To take the test June 13th you must sign up for it by May 8th and your scores are to arrive on the 23rd of June. If you wish to take it on the 18th of July then you are to have signed up by the 19th of June, the scores are on the 28th of July.
In order to take the SAT on March 14th you register by February 14th is your score will come in 27th. May 2nd is another testing date and in order to test on this date, you need to sign up for it by the 3rd of April, with your scores coming on May 15th. For the testing date of June 6th, register by May 8th and your scores will come in by July 15th.
Good luck, Cougars, study hard and prepare for your testing!