Start Spring on a High Note!
CHS’s amazing orchestras are definitely going to have a busy Spring.

February 20, 2020
By now, most of Coronado High School knows that the Performing Arts Program here is phenomenal! The orchestras in particular are especially notable because they are about to have an extremely productive and exciting rest of second semester. Their upcoming concert will be one of the best ways to see just how wonderfully talented these musicians are, and they will also be able to show their peers and loved ones just how successful they will be the rest of this semester.
Mr. Jacobson could not be more thrilled about all of the upcoming events his orchestras will participate in. He believes that his next concert will be full of “really good orchestra music” and says his orchestras are doing “excellently!”
Students should consider coming to this next concert because there is so much motivation to do so. Classical Music can be relaxing and enjoyable, especially if it comes from the Chamber and Symphonic Orchestras. The music that students can expect to hear will be beautiful and complex because these students are being challenged.
Mr. Jacobson has big plans for his orchestras in terms of competition and claims that “this will be our hardest music of the year. We are preparing for our annual competitive CHSAA Orchestra Festival at Mitchell High School.” The CHSAA Orchestra Festival is a Solo and Ensemble Festival that will be taking place sometime in March. Solo and Ensemble Festivals can definitely be challenging, and there are many strong competitors from many different places; CHS has so much talent that this competition should be a success!
In addition to this festival, these skillful musicians will be performing in Washington D.C., at Six Flags in Dallas, and at graduation. These events are definitely exciting and everyone involved in them needs all the support they can get; the best way to start showing this support is to attend the March 5th concert in the auditorium. It is free to attend and will take place in the auditorium.
Mr. Jacobson also would like to make sure everyone knows that if anyone is mesmerized by this concert or just has a passion for orchestra, they “are welcome to sign up for symphonic orchestra for next year” if they have been in orchestra before.
Joining or not, these musicians deserve some support, so come see these wonderful performances on March 5th. Enjoy performing in these events as well, and break a leg!