The World is Ending!*

Mohss Elaine, Co-Editor-in-Chief

* not really.

The COVID-19 dilemma has been (almost literally) plaguing El Paso county for some time now, which means that school districts have been taking precautions in order to keep us at least partly healthy. Schools are a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria, illnesses and viruses alike, so it makes sense that we’re taking measures to keep kids safe.

This means that Coronado is going to be shut down from at least March 16th through March 27th. Though this means all areas of school are coming to a physical stop, there’s still some things to look forward to. Here’s the run-down of everything that’s going on.

  • We’ll be out of school for a 14 day period for cleaning, testing and public health investigation. Students will not be penalized, as their absences will be counted as excused. School assignments for students absent during this time will follow our current excused absence practices.
  • All after school events are being cancelled due to safety. Be sure that you won’t have to stay here any longer than you have to!
  • Prom has NOT been cancelled, instead UCCS postponed all events through April 30th, we’ll be hosting prom on May 8th!
  • Most classes will be moving their lessons online, so check with your teachers about where to find your work for the time we aren’t on campus.
    Here are just a couple sites that teachers use:
    Teacher websites
    Remind (app)
    Check your student email! (also Office365)
  • Laptops are being distributed all day today in the library (top floor of the main building). If you have no way of achieving online learning, the library has resources for you! Go check with them ASAP!
  • Spring break will consist of two weeks! This gives ample time to get ready to come back healthy and ready to move through fourth quarter in stride!
  • If you have physical work that needs to be done, check with your teachers to make a game plan for what to do with it. Whether that means online assignments or just turning in what you have, you need to go check!

No matter what, we’ll get back to high school soon enough. For right now, just stay safe and be ready to do work from home. Good luck, Coronado!