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The Cougar Daily

The Student News Site of Coronado High School

  • Chamber and Symphonic Orchestra Concert on May 8th at 7:00pm in the Coronado Auditorium
  • Graduation Rehearsal on Monday, May 20th. Arrive no later than 10:15 at Colorado College Ed Robson Arena, Class of 2024.
  • Clothes Bin is Partnering with Coronado to Recycle Old Clothes in Parking Lot
  • Because of AP Testing, the Library will be closed intermittently until May 24th.
The Student News Site of Coronado High School

The Cougar Daily

The Student News Site of Coronado High School

The Cougar Daily

Taylor Husser

Taylor Husser, Staff Writer

Taylor Husser is a Senior at Coronado High School. She has gone to Coronado since her Freshman year but did online school for her Junior year. Taylor enjoys gardening and math. When she graduates in May of 2020, she wants to pursue filmmaking. Taylor wants to start a gardening club, so be on the lookout for that. She wants to be able to travel around the world and create a home in California. Throughout Taylor’s time as a cougar, she has enjoyed classes with Mr. Stoughton, Mr. Wade, and Mr. Edmund. Taylor plans to join the swim team this school year. You can find Taylor at almost all Coronado social events, showing off her MADD red and gold spirit.

All content by Taylor Husser