Finals this Week and How to Prepare

As this weird semester comes to end, it is no surprise that finals week is coming up very fast so here are some tips in order to prepare.

Finals this Week and How to Prepare

Wednesday 12/14 begins the week that most high schoolers spend all semester dreading but it is also the week that reminds us that break is in our reach. Finals may look a little different this year being online and the schedule may also be a little different, so here is what Coronado has in store for our final week. Wednesday is our first official final day, where we take finals in our first three period classes, Thursday is finals for periods 4, 5,6. Which leaves Friday with the final for your 7th period class, and if needed there is time on the finals days for make up tests if you happen to miss a class!
Now regarding preparation for finals, if you are like me it has been a challenge to hold myself accountable and pay attention to class or get all the work done. Being at home and going to school has been a bigger challenge than expected, so in order to prepare for finals and be more productive and save your grade here are some tips!
Distance yourself from your phone during class.
When in class if you have a phone in your arms reach is so tempting to grab it, open Tik Tok and not listen to your class. I know, I have been there multiple times. However if you put your phone in another room or even randomly throw it somewhere with your eyes closed, then the temptation will not be as enticing and you will be able to focus more on the curriculum and prepare you for finals.
Talk to your teachers.
This may be obvious but teachers are so helpful and will in most cases give you all the help you need in order to prepare for this upcoming final. They know that this is a challenging time for all, so they will be supportive and excited when you ask questions because it also gives them interaction time with another person, which we all need these days.
Never too early to start studying.
Start as soon as possible in order to truly retain the information that you study, instead of using short term memory.
Get good rest before test day.
Having a good night’s sleep before a test is proven to help people perform better on their tests because our minds are able to consolidate what we learned that day, and without good rest our minds do not think as clearly.
Don’t panic.
Chances are you are more prepared that you give yourself credit. Also, stressing about a test does not help you out in the long run and can make you perform worse on a test. So just stay calm, breath, and trust in your knowledge that you know the material.
Though finals are a stressful time of the year, just keep in mind that it is almost break and you do not have to worry about school for 2 weeks! Good luck Cougars!