Squishmallow Craze


Nina Faughnan

Squishmallow Craze

By Nina Faughnan

Many people have been taken captive by this new phase of adorable stuffed animals called Squishmallows. These cute plushies have taken an entire generation by storm; nearly every teenager now holds a collection of these adorable toys. With squishmallows, one is rarely enough, with a multitude of people owning squishmallows ranging from 10 to 100.

One of the biggest reasons Squishmallows are so popular is because they are not like any other stuffed animals. Their unique shape has no edges making them easy to curl into one’s stomach snuggle with. Squishmallows also have a spongy yet firm texture, making them easy to fit in spaces in one’s bed or couch. The materials also make them incredibly durable, so they do not often rip or tear. There have not been stuffed animals like these which attribute to their popularity.

Squishmallows were created by the brand Kellytoy, and they recently became popular in 2020 during the Covid shutdown. There have been over 82 million squishmallows sold in the past year. An additional contributor to their massive popularity may be their innate collectability. With each new Squishmallow, the excitement grows. Each Squishmallow has its own fandom and backstory. This phase mirrors the Beanie Babies phase of the 1990s, where almost every person owned cute little stuffed animals.

Cyleigh Knight, an all-star Junior, said that she “bought Squishmallows that have cost a lot” and that their appeal comes from their being more “basic than others with things like the eyes and shape”. She also admitted to spending $60 on a cow squishmallow just the other day.

Squishmallows are not just limited to serving as toys and stuffed animals for the ability to own them. Some individuals have said that they use their Squishmallows as emotional support plushies. Squishmallows offer a sense of security and peace with their sweet, embroidered face and the comfort they offer.

Squishmallows are quickly becoming one of the biggest toys in 2022. Many people will agree that it is too hard not to fall in love with them, giving them a menagerie of Squishmallows. So don’t feel shy about declaring the feelings the adorable stuffed animals give, and feel free to spend hundreds of dollars on Squishmallows.