S.A.G.A. Start Up in Wake of Club Q Shooting

December 8, 2022
In years past, Coronado has had LBGT+ friendly clubs, GSA being one, but at the beginning of the 2022 school year, there wasn’t yet one that existed for students to join and be a part of. However, thanks to our lovely new teacher, Ms. Dziak, she is the proud sponsor of S.A.G.A., the new club for our students.
Ms. Dziak started teaching at Coronado this year, and already she feels she’s been able to build close connections with her students. Claiming that “my favorite part of the job – hands down – is bonding with the students. It’s easiest to bond when you’re being your most authentic self,” which is part of what makes her such a great sponsor for our safe space this year.
The acronym stands for Sexuality and Gender Alliance, which was specifically chosen for inclusivity for everybody. S.A.G.A. isn’t limited to members of the queer community, but also for allies and people who want to learn and support their peers. “A community doesn’t need to be specific to one group, and it’s not about pushing an agenda. It’s about being able to make connections that matter.”
The club meetings are held every Wednesday, after school from 3:10 to 4:30 in room 213, the writing help center in the new wing. The activities are designed to be student-run and based on what they want to do. The club isn’t for the sponsor, it’s intended to make a safe and inclusive environment for the students of Coronado.
However, one guaranteed event is going to be a fundraiser to raise money for the Coronado alumni who was injured in the Club Q shooting on Saturday, November 19th. It’s something that we can’t not talk about, as events like this affect people involved outside of the victims and family, but the entire community that was targeted.
“We can’t move forward without looking at the past, and we cannot ignore it, but the point isn’t to dwell in tragedy, but to live in celebration and honor, create new traditions, look at the movements and foster new leaders.”