Many students put a lot of time and effort into their grades and focusing on school; most students check their grades weekly to see if they need to make corrections on classwork, homework, and even tests, but when grades aren’t put in on time students aren’t able to see whether they did good or bad on an assignment. When students aren’t able to see how they did on their work they may run out of time to do corrections and have to keep the bad grade, which can bring down their overall grade.
Teachers shouldn’t wait until the last minute to put in grades because if they graded work on time students could no longer blame their bad grades on the teacher; the only person to blame is themselves when everything is graded on time. When teachers put grades in on time students will be able to reflect on how they did on work. Even though grades are important, students should understand that not everything will be graded right away because teachers have many other classes and students to pay attention to as well.
A lot of students stress over grades, and when grades aren’t put in on time students will worry and stress about their grades. Ben Freeman, Class of 2025, was asked about how he feels when the teacher grades late, and he said, “ Normally most of my work is graded on time, but when it’s not I stress if I did well on the assignment, and if not will I even have enough time to do corrections will it be too late?” Leilani Yeager, Class of 2025, said, “Sometimes if you’re absent, teachers will be a bit more lenient with your submissions; however, some teachers will still put in your grade late and it affects your overall grade.”
Grading work on time can also help students figure out what they need more help with. For example, if a student got a low grade on a science assignment then the student will know they need to put more time into learning more about that subject and studying that work. For teachers, it can also help see what students need more help understanding a certain topic or which topic needs to be taught more in class.