For many students lunch time is the best part of their school day, and for most students it’s time to eat their lunch. Although many schools offer special programs and exceptions, it isn’t always enough for scholars to eat lunch. Many students have to pay for lunch which isn’t always possible.
Additionally, the lunch that is served can be of varying quality and often not on the better side. Lunches are often cheap and poorly cooked which doesn’t necessarily appeal to a majority of students, much less create the want to pay for lunch. On top of that, students who can’t always pay for lunch will go into debt to get it, and that debt will accumulate.
According to Truthout, a progressive, nonprofit news outlet, “Meanwhile, in Richfield, Minnesota, where arrears totaled almost $20,000, 40 Richfield High School students — some of whom owed as little as $15 in meal fees — were given cold sandwiches after their hot lunches were tossed in the trash.” Some students will total a ton of lunch debt just to receive low quality food.
Martin Martinez, class of 2025, said “It should be free because I don’t always have money to pay for lunch.” It’s easier for Martin to get lunch this year because of the temporary pass for all students to get lunch for free but when lunch is paid it can be hard for students to always purchase it.
Mr. Lizarraga, dean of students, said, “A majority of students have access to a free lunch. . . our priority is to prepare students to learn and one of the challenges that comes with that is making sure students are fed.” Mr. Lizarraga was recently promoted to dean of students and has dedicated his time to making the school a better place, this includes the lunch.
Being well fed is important for a functioning mind, food should be easily available for all who attend, especially when it’s somewhere they are required to be.