In the fitness realm, “bulking” is a dedicated strategy for increasing muscle mass and setting the basis for the later “cutting” phase. This transformation you undergo is not just about eating a lot of whatever you want, it is about a calculated approach to increasing calories, and having a healthy diet plan, and determining training intensity.
Truthfully, at the core of a healthy bulking plan lies a well-constructed diet. It is believed by some that “dirty bulking,” a process where an athlete eats high calorie anything is a proper way to bulk but that’s simply incorrect. A proper diet needs a balance of macronutrients emphasizing carbs, fats, and protein. Protein is a priority for its role in muscle repair and growth.
In gym culture, many call the late year and colder conditions “Bulking Season.” This timeframe is ideal for bulking because of its great lineup with big holiday dinners and the need for heavier clothes which can reduce low self-esteem regarding the bulk phase. Whereas spring and summer are the best times to start cutting, which is going low calorie diet and high intensity weight training/cardio. The cutting phase is the whole reason for bulking where when you have a high muscle and fat composition when you keep training and use the reserves of fat you have built it will make for overall stronger muscles and a more aesthetic body type.
Liam Stafford, Class of 2025, and former Coronado high school student said, “[Bulk Season] is the time when our plates look more like a buffet than a meal. It’s like hitting the gym and the dessert aisle simultaneously. Sure, gains are great, but my abs are on vacation, sipping margaritas somewhere far, far away.” Liam does rock climbing where too much weight heavily influences his ability to perform.
Coach Gutowski, a P.E. coach at Coronado High School, said, “You’ve got to really look, number one at your diet, and what does that look what total amount of calories and how many are going out and how much weight overall you want to gain… with all those combined, it’s got to be a strict regimen as far as what you’re doing, because I don’t think some people realize how much they actually have to ingest from a caloric intake.”
From my perspective, the key to a healthy bulk is control. Making sure you have control over your diet and being able to maintain a consistent calorie intake is going to make for the perfect bulk.