Reliquary Magazine

Reliquary Magazine

Jaidon Chilese, Staff Writer

Every year Coronado publishes the Reliquary magazine. The Reliquary is a student publication that spans around 32 pages, displaying visual art created by Coronado students. It is a great place to have one’s art be displayed, and admired.

Any visual art is wanted for the magazine, including but not limited to, drawings, digital art work, paintings, pictures, poems, stories, and comics, and by Coronado students only. As long as there are no graphic or inappropriate visuals your art will be considered for the magazine.

To submit go to the Coronado website and scroll down, the Reliquary will be under quick links. Students may submit up to five pieces. The submissions are online, so entries will have to be made digital. The magazine is run by Mrs. George, who says she is looking for the best Coronado has to offer. The magazine will be printed in May, and all submissions must be submitted by April 1, the day after spring break.

All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by a panel of Coronado staff and a few Coronado students, so names are not wanted on anyone’s artwork.

Last year the magazine was printed in color, which is the goal for this year as well. If anyone is interested in helping to fundraise, or help with the publicity of the Reliquary magazine, there is a club that does just that. The Reliquary club has no requirements for joining and has already started meeting on Wednesdays after school in room 413 (The art room in the tech building).

One can also submit here: Submit to the Reliquary