
Cassie Lewis, Staff Writer

Bullying happens in every school, every day and in every corner of the world. Some people are constantly being bullied, but are too afraid to speak up about it. When someone hears a story about bullying, there is an assumption about how bullying only happens in the movies, or that it will never happen to you and your friends. Unfortunately, the reality is that bullying could happen to anyone, even you and your friends. However, the reality is that your friends could be getting bullied and do not have the courage to tell you. The terrifying reality is that some of your friends are too scared to tell you that they’re being bullied. The ideology for bullying is that it can not hurt you if you do not let it. However, the truth is that having vile words thrown at you, hurts more than a baseball to the back. It’s hard to go with the flow when you are too scared to go to your favorite hang out spot because there’s a fear of that one person who will bombard you with words making you want to crawl under a rock.
The Coronado administration is doing a lot to help and defend students being bullied. First, whomever is that whomever is being bullied needs to bring the issue to light, whether it’s to an administrator, a counselor, a teacher, or even parents; they need to know to be able to do anything about the issue. After the administration will work with the bully sign a contract which holds them to a certain standard, and if the problem continues, then it becomes a disciplinary action that will be brought before the board.
“We only get what’s brought to us. If students are saying that they need to address it, then we will, it’s more of a student based thing,” said Ms. Arnell.
Even though people act as if bullying doesn’t hurt, it does. Bullying is easier than ever, especially nowadays with social media. People are more accessible and harder to track all at once when it comes to social media. Someone can create a fake account and delete it as soon as the damage has been done, there would be no way to actually know who created the account. Just like in Cyberbully with Emily Osment. There is an untraceable amount of bullies that are in the world, but there are also people who help to prevent bullying in their communities. There will always be someone that’s being harassed, and they need someone to help. It’s part of our human nature to help someone in need, even if we don’t know that person. So, if there is a bully that you know of, someone that you know being bullied, or even if you’re being bullied, report it to, Safe-2-tell, on the school website.