North Korea Hydrogen Bomb Scare


Sierra Meisner, Staff Writer

On January 6th, 2016, North Korea claimed to have successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb. They say that they have enough nuclear bombs to wipe out the entire United States at once. The reality of the situation is much different though.

Many seismologist disagree with North Korea’s claims, saying that the seismic signals should be much bigger. An hour before the government announced the test, there was a magnitude 5.1 earthquake measured on the North Korean east coast. If a hydrogen bomb was detonated, the earthquake would have been at least a magnitude 6 or 7, more than a hundred times larger than North Korea’s. Instead, it is more likely that North Korea did test a much smaller nuclear bomb.

So how concerned should Americans be about this?

Coach Kane, the current events teacher, says “Don’t worry about it.”

In relation to other countries around the world, the reality is that North Koreas supply of nuclear weapons is minimal and not something to be worried about. Where the United States has 2,500 according to recent statistics, North Korea is known to have fewer than 10 total.

We should rest assured that in the end, diplomacy will prove to be the solution and that North Korea doesn’t want to start a nuclear war.