Clubs for the Intellectual Student


Riley Burgess, Staff Writer

Wanting to find a way to broaden your education outside of the classroom? Coronado has many academic clubs where students can have fun with the subjects they love and at the same time learn a thing or two.

Students who take a liking to the wide world of mathematics can join Mr. Yeh in room 21 on Wednesdays from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm for Math Club to engage in the deepest aspects of algebra, statistics, calculus and other various branches. Students can also test their skills and knowledge in the Colorado Math League for the chance to be a state champion.

A mind for science can get students far in the Science Bowl Club with Ms. Williams in room 411, Wednesdays from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm where students can attempt to answer some crazy science trivia.

Can’t decide on which subject you love more? Try the Knowledge Bowl Club at the same place and same time as Science Bowl where you can expect almost any kind of trivia from famous authors to quantum physics.

Learning another language can be useful for those who see themselves traveling a lot in the future and the French and German clubs are the perfect places to get a feel for different cultures and learn how you can live in other places around the world. The French Club meets in room 401 after school on Tuesdays after school and the German Club meets in room 114 after school on the second Tuesday of each month.

If Science Bowl doesn’t do it for you, go a little further with Science Olympiad which is basically the same concept as Science Bowl but with more events and competitions. This group meets with Mr. Muth in room 104 on Wednesdays starting at 3:20 pm.

The Medical Psychology Interest Club is the club for any student interested in the medical field of careers and education meeting on Thursdays in room 116 at 7:00 am to learn more about the mind, body and future professions.

These are only a few of many clubs at Coronado so if nothing here strikes your interest then go to the clubs and organizations page at the Coronado website.