Girls’ Golf Starts Strong

Bekah Redinger, Staff Writer

Girls’ golf this spring has just started and is already off to a promising start. The varsity team has had two tournaments so far, one on March 31 and one on April 4. The former of these took place in snow and 30 degree weather, the latter in 40 mile per hour wind. Despite these conditions, the team has been placing highly. The girls took third and fourth place respectively, and second in regionals both times.


Ms. Hodge, the golf coach, is very proud of the team’s work so far and is pleased to see the girls playing so hard. She is expecting a lot more success in the future of the season.


“Key players are Ally Garcia, 12, and Maddy Urich, 11. They were state qualifiers last year and they put their heart and soul into every tournament.” Coach Hodge believes that those same girls will be the ones to win the tournaments and qualify to go to state. However, she knows that to perform so well, it will take extra practice and determination. “Next week will be about stamina and being able to play back-to-back 18 holes four days in a row, no matter what the weather is.” Hodge, and the rest of the team, are confident that next week’s tournaments will go well.


Through the week of April 11-15, the golf team will be playing four tournaments total. Hopefully they can continue placing in the top teams.