Farewell Mr.Hilty


Riley Burgess, Staff Writer

As this year comes to a close we say goodbye to our teachers and friends until next year, but for teachers who are retiring this year, like Mr. Gary Hilty, the woodshop, automotive and engine design teacher, this will be the final goodbye. He has been teaching at Coronado for about 10 years. He previously worked at a few other schools, including the Colorado Springs School for the Deaf and Blind.

When asked what the best part of teaching was, he said, “The brightest part is seeing what the kids can actually learn… Fun wise, naturally I like basing it off what the students would like… The fact that we started the woodshop from scratch and built automotive into a pretty good program.”

Mr. Hilty has served a good 10 years here at Coronado and his students will be sad to see him go.