Coronado is Getting “Hooked” on the New Peter/Wendy play…

Auditions were packed, the set is amazing, and everybody is loving the cast and crew.

Dj Valdez, Staff Writer

This autumn’s school play, Peter/Wendy, is the talk of the school and everybody is extremely excited about it. While set, sound and lights are being set up, the actors will be beginning their rehearsals soon. Auditions had a surprising amount of people attend. Thirty-eight people came to audition for only thirteen spots! Mrs. Ambroz explained how it was almost back breaking work for her to pick the right kids, because “there were many fantastic kids for each spot but I needed to choose who I think would be the best of the best.”

Deanna Cooper, playing the part of Tinker Bell, said that she’s been practicing her acting skills since she was six.“I’ve been practicing for so long and have been in plays before but my stage fright is still no joke,” said Cooper, a junior. Hannah Widger, 11, starring as Wendy Darling, is the complete opposite saying “For about six years now I’ve been taking acting classes and I’m so glad being on stage doesn’t scare me so much anymore.”

Hannah then talked about her nervousness for freshman Marco Sorrels, the play’s Peter Pan. Despite not having much experience with acting,  Marco isn’t  nervous at all. Marco said he’s actually really excited for this, not to mention he’s loving the attention. What a coincidence that his brother Alex Sorrels, a senior here at Coronado, made the part of Captain Hook. They’re both exhilarated for their parts and to actually have a fight that their parents are proud of.

Make sure you continue to give all of the cast the love and attention they’ve been working for. Coronado’s theatre department would like everyone to get their tickets when available around the middle of October . Don’t miss out! Tick Tock Tick Tock, get it?