The Cougar Daily’s Parking Lot Etiquette

With so much time spent in the parking lot, and with so many people hustling back and forth, behavior is an important aspect to having a driver’s license.


Shea Ward, Staff Writer

Parking lot peace is extremely important at Coronado, especially in the morning when it seems like the entire student body is scrambling for a parking spot. If you are a student, please try and maintain the civility when driving in the parking lot by being courteous to those around you by paying attention to The Cougar Daily’s Rules for Parking Lot Etiquette.


  • Don’t take up too much space: Your car can fit in one spot! Don’t park your car in the middle of two spaces, there are other people that need to park as well. It is also very irritating where cars are parked so close to the point where your car door cannot be opened.
  • Don’t race someone for a spot: This is just unsafe, and a bit rude. Rushing for a parking spot is very dangerous, and there are usually plenty of other spaces available.
  • Wait your turn: If someone is trying to back out, do not speed in front of them.
  • Pedestrian courtesy: Especially at the end of the school day (when a bunch of stressed teenagers are going to get into vehicles and maneuver through a crowded parking lot) don’t stand in the street and expect others to go around you. The parking lot is made for cars, not for social gatherings.
  • Pay attention: When the car in front of you starts driving forward, that’s usually an indicator to start driving as well. Try not to keep a line of cars waiting behind you. Remember that there are also students trekking across the street, so watch out for them as well.
  • Just because the parking lot is empty doesn’t mean it’s okay to act like a hooligan: This means no speeding, no doing doughnuts, and no other shenanigans. The parking lot does have cameras!
  • Don’t take the time to back in: This usually takes a while, and it disrupts the flow of traffic. This isn’t something that is always off limits, but at least refrain from doing it when the parking lot is crowded.
  • Food disposal: Going out for lunch is perfectly fine, just please pick up after yourselves rather than throwing the unwanted condiments and napkins into the street.
  • Don’t blast your music: If you want to deafen yourself, please don’t do this at 7:15 in the morning, other people would like to keep their hearing abilities.
  • Stay classy: Let’s be honest, tinted windows don’t really help you much here, but if you are going to engage in sexual activity in a car, please throw away the contraceptive wrappers, thank you. Keep it classy, Cougars.