Some Great Tips and Guidelines for Shopping on Black Friday

Dj Valdez, Staff Writer

There’s no harm in having a few pointers for the busiest day in American retail. Getting busy shoppers out of their homes at six in the morning for deals on tons of items.

Tip 1: Plot Your Strategy

There are many ways to plan and plot a good Black Friday strategy. Websites will always be a great go to during your planning, displaying prices of desired gifts and the right stores and locations to find them at. Most websites will even have coupons to get a lower price on stuff that’s already almost free on Black Friday.

Tip 2: Focus on Technology

Most technology is extremely expensive, get it while it’s at a fantastic price! Focus on buying technology before everyone else gets there first or the prices go back to normal. Put your top-of-the-list technology purchases first on the route.

Tip 3: Get an Early Start

Don’t hesitate to be there before everyone else. Most stores on Black Friday will open their doors at midnight. An early start means an early finish to avoid any extra or unnecessary drama. There’s more of an abundance of items as well. First come first serve. This is also a great opportunity to shop in pajamas. Stay comfy, Cougars.

Tip 4: Divide and Conquer

Bring a crew, split up, and hit every store on everyone’s lists with team work. It is really difficult to hold and get everything alone. Many stores have a limited number of  items you can get discounts on. Swap lists, spread out, then come back all together once the shopping is finished and get lunch.

Tip 5: Bring your Ads with you

Bringing your ads makes sure there’s no confusion on sales. Cashiers spend all day being stressed and getting yelled at, they will most likely make a few mistakes. Bring the ads and make sure to get the best Black Friday deal.

Tip 6: Stay Fueled

Shopping, especially on Black Friday, can be emotionally and physically draining. Plan on taking a break to get lunch or bring snacks. It’s easy to give up if the body isn’t fully fed and hydrated.

Tip 7: Forget your Morality

Just kidding, don’t. Respect others but still be assertive as everyone else will be.

Tip 8: Be Prepared for Anything

Many people wake up for Black Friday shopping ready to go. Avoid confrontation, no sale is as important as your safety. People are aggressive and forceful, fights break out and small disagreements turn into bigger problems than they should. Preparation and knowledge will go far because nobody really knows what could happen when a bunch of angry parents want cheap things for their kids. Always attend the Black Friday tradition ready for anything. Make sure to take as many precautions as possible, keeping everyone safe.

Stay safe, make it fun, and get some awesome deals. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend a day shopping for gifts for the people they cherish.