Mrs. Kenoyer: The Newest Member of Coronado’s Physical Education Staff


Mrs. Kenoyer leads the huddle at a C-Squad volleyball game.

Mohss Elaine, Staff Writer

Sheena Kenoyer is a new gym teacher to Coronado in the 2016-2017 school year. Mrs. Kenoyer’s passion behind her career is teaching health and wellness to developing minds.

Before coming to Coronado, Mrs. Kenoyer taught physical education at Sierra High School and math and Fountain Middle School. She came to Coronado because she “really loved the spirit this school brought out of the students here, not just the athletic parts, but every area of the school… It’s even better to see someone grow into what they love to do, it’s inspiring. I also wanted to teach gym again, it’s been fun in the past, and it’s even better here.”

Mrs. Kenoyer teaches health, gym, and fitness for life at Coronado, her goal is “to teach every one of my student’s the importance of wellness, health issues and how your decisions affect your over-all being, as well as your mindset,” she replied during our interview.

She’s passionate about her student’s wellness by saying, “I want my students to become motivated in their wellness, and to constantly improve, and to find a passion in a sport or physical activity, and to learn that working together is crucial in society.”

“I find sports really important. I love being able to indulge in something that positively affects my mind and my being. I’m really passionate about the sports I play, I can get competitive and sports are the perfect area for me to excel, and I want to show others how to excel to their full potential, too,” said Mrs. Kenoyer. Kenoyer coached C-Squad volleyball this year, and previously coached softball.

Mrs. Kenoyer has multiple classes of students, including Molly Berge, 12, who was in Mrs. Kenoyer’s Fitness for Life class. Berge’s goal for the class were to “Become more motivated in school and in life, and progressively becoming more present in my academic life. I was taught to have perseverance and to keep moving onward. [Mrs. Kenoyer] contributed to this greatly.”

She continues to try and improve her teaching skills and her own capability of the concepts she teaches in health, gym, and fitness for life every day. She takes her time planning out classes and making sure everyone in her classes not only have full understanding, but are having fun learning. She tries to make the best of every day, going above and beyond to assure that everyone is readily involved both in their academics and sports.

Mrs. Kenoyer is excited to bring new and improved classes to this new semester, and the years to come!