Coronado Has a State Champion!

Student Jordan Evans has won state champions for fishing


Coronado junior Jordan Evans and his partner, Cheyenne Mountain student Robbie Gonzales, pose after winning the Colorado state championship for fishing.

Savannah Ely, Staff Writer

Student Angler Federation is one of the fastest growing youth related movements in the country and is filled with top tier school fishing clubs. It’s the nation’s oldest and largest fishing community and promotes education through fishing. One of the federation’s most popular activities is their competitive club fishing tournaments and the High School Fishing World Finals.

Recently, Coronado junior Jordan Evans won the Colorado state championship for the federation at the Pueblo Reservoir, taking 1st place with 20 fish caught, weighing in at 5 pounds. This isn’t Jordan’s first time being in the public eye, he won the championship in 2016 as well with 23 fish caught at a total of 10.7 pounds.

Jordan is already preparing himself for not only next season but the years after high school, he said, “I started fishing when I was 5 and I don’t feel like stopping; it might even be a future job.” If Jordan decides to continue fishing as a career, he could make up to $43,000 a year.

The federation allows high schoolers to experience the outdoors while simultaneously opening doors for potential careers. There is over $60,000 in scholarships offered by the federation, which is also why it’s favored by high schools in the U.S.

From here, Jordan and his partner Robbie Gonzalez, a Cheyenne Mountain student, will move on to the Student Angler Federation’s Western Regional Tournament at Lake Havasu on 10/15.

Coronado is proud to have a state champion and to be a part of such a great organization organization. Congrats Jordan!