Girls Tennis Starts the Season Strong

Girls tennis begins their season with perseverance despite their losses.


Savannah Leifer, 12, hopes to have another outstanding tennis season this year in #1 singles.

Conor Strizich, Staff Writer

Spring sports have finally arrived, and the girls tennis team is off to a stong start. On 3/7, varsity played against Mullen at home, but lost both sets 2-6.  Two days after, the Cougars competed against Air Academy, and lost in a 10-7 tiebreaker.  Despite these losses, the girls put up some amazing performances.  Bethany Heitland won her singles matches against both schools, while Maya Glaser and Clara Thompson won their doubles match against Air Academy.

Glaser says “I think so far that [the season] is going pretty well.  We’ve only had two matches so far and there is plenty of time to improve.  With more practice I think that our team could be the best in awhile.”  

Thompson agrees with Glaser, saying “Coach has paired us pretty well [with our partners] based on our strengths and weaknesses.  This year, tennis has been very competitive and a lot of players are around the same skill level and we have a lot of solid teams.”

This season, returning seniors will help guide the team to future success, and hopefully to state.   Their next game is at Lewis Palmer on March 16th, and their next home game is on 4/5 against Liberty.  Good luck Cougars!