Mr.Smith & Mrs. Arnell: Making Coronado Better One Step at a Time

Mr.Smith and Mrs.Arnell admin profiles


Mohss Elaine, staff writer

The administrative office includes our assistant principals, our head principal and other officials who help operate our school. The administrative office keeps every class curriculum coordinated, set school budgets, manage behavioral problems with students, train and supervise new teachers,  and manage outlook on teacher salaries and employment. The administrative office, overall, keeps our schools running smoothly.


Addie Arnell, one of the school’s assistant principal, helps our school grow in many ways. Mrs. Arnell works in the administrative office of Coronado and works to keep our school running smoothly. Her priorities are often with disciplinary action and teacher evaluation, along with preparing PARCC testing. Mrs. Arnell’s other responsibilities include keeping students engaged while still obeying the rules. Mrs. Arnell’s goals for Coronado this year and in the future are to make high school a fun place while keeping the schoolground secure and safe, ultimately allowing students to excel and achieve.


Darin Smith, our principal, works hard at Coronado every day. Mr.Smith keeps our school on the ground. His priorities differ from Mrs.Arnell’s as he takes care of slightly more specific aspects of our school, such as taking disciplinary action over larger, more dangerous situations, and to see that our school has the best teachers, students, and learning options. Mr. Smith also ensures that  students are safe from dangerous people and threats pointed towards our school. Mr. Smith’s goal for Coronado is to harbor a safe working environment so that every individual has a chance at a quality education and productive future.


These two have already exuded a positive influence on Coronado, and we hope to see their goals for the school flourish next year!