Don’t Get Caught in the Sickness Season

Ivy Ross, Staff Writer

Don’t share drinks with people who are sick

Germs are gross, and so is your girlfriend, don’t drink after her. Your mouth is full of germs and sharing a drink with someone is a good way to get them sick. Just bring your own water. 

Wash your hands effectively

Sing your ABC’s twice, or just count to 30, just hot water and soap, and use a paper towel to turn off the water. It is simple stuff  you have been told for years, time to start practicing those good habits. Hand sanitizer is also a great way to keep yourself free of germs.

Be aware of stress induced illness

Believe it or not you can get sick from too much stress, you mind and body both take a tole, take care of yourself by taking a sick day. Another way to keep from getting too stresses is to plan ahead and manage your time.

Don’t eat too much sugar

Eating a lot of sugar is doing nothing beneficial to your immune system, eating a healthier diet supplies your body with the nutrients needed to fight all the sickness you encounter. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, and maybe have five Christmas cookies instead of six.

Don’t ignore your symptoms

You don’t want to be that guy who gets everyone else sick, be aware of who you are drinking or eating after, and if you have symptoms, don’t let others drink or eat after you, it’s for their own good. Stay home and rest.